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Why Trump’s Diversity Training Restrictions Are So Detrimental For Workplace Equity

Updated Nov 12, 2020, 11:39am EST
This article is more than 3 years old.

Let’s be honest – employees aren’t usually excited about going to diversity training. Blacks, Whites, LatinX, Asians alike – generally cringe at the thought of sitting next to work colleagues for a day charged with uncomfortable conversation, exploration of stereotypes, inconvenient if not shameful historical truths and even awkward self-reflection. By now most professionals have been exposed to decades of research extolling the benefits and necessity of diversity and inclusion efforts and while many professionals absolutely embrace the concept of diversity training in theory, it’s still not something they typically enjoy. For many professionals of color and their allies, much of the chagrin lay not with the content itself but with the anticipated misinterpretation and perversion of basic, fundamental antiracism concepts (evidenced through certain participant comments and questions). For every room full of people who get it – who understand that discussions of white privilege and systemic racism are a very important part of any honest, candid conversation about the history of racism in America, there are usually a small handful who misinterpret the content as a mean-spirited, racist attack on white people. For this reason diversity and inclusion consultants and trainers, professionals of color, and diversity advocates of all races have historically felt a need to play defense on the subject of diversity training – well aware of the dearth of racial stamina and tolerance in many workplaces.

With the simple stroke of a pen, President Trump has made their job infinitely harder.

The impacts of the diversity training restrictions Executive Order (EO) have already been broad, swift and severe. Many organizations have already suspended, canceled or delayed planned diversity training as they find themselves in an awkward holding pattern of sorts awaiting potential reversal of the controversial EO by the Biden-Harris administration. But beyond the policy issues, the more vexing problem that may easily outlive any potential policy reversal is the damage already done to fragile organizational cultures – many torn between embracing more modern, proactive antiracism theory focused on soberly acknowledging deep, historical racial injustices as part of an authentic journey towards racial justice or settling for a minimal, tangential consideration of race in the workplace arguably based on revisionist history and denial.

Even if the EO is rescinded by the Biden-Harris administration as many diversity and inclusion advocates expect, the truth is that the Order will likely continue to have a chilling ripple effect through federal agencies (and beyond) for years to come. The Order’s vague and suggestive wording stokes the very worst inclinations and fears of those most inclined to distrust and resist well intentioned, responsible diversity and antiracism efforts. It offers talking points for those employees most resistant, ones that managers will likely continue to hear if and when diversity training resumes. Reflecting on the impact of the publication of this EO, Diversity and Inclusion consultant Neelam Chand explains, “It allows the folks who don’t believe in this work to embolden their ideologies and further isolates people in the organization that are vulnerable to the harm that racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia – pick your poison, perpetuates.”

Another anticipated impact of both the EO and the initial OMB memo is the increased prevalence of distorted views on diversity and antiracism as a result of the inaccurate and misleading portrayal of key antiracism and diversity and inclusion concepts. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund’s lawsuit against the EO references such inaccuracies. “It is blatantly illegal for the Trump Administration to censor this protected speech, especially the speech of private entities, in favor of its own inaccurate and ahistorical viewpoints,” insists Jin Hee Lee, Senior Deputy of Litigation, NAACP Legal Defense Fund.  Many diversity and inclusion experts agree that the wording of both the Executive Order and OMB memo promotes inaccurate, misleading and/or offensive racial justice concepts and theories – all on the official letterhead of the United States government. For example, the Executive Order conflates very different concepts like “being inherently racist” and “contributing to racism” leaving readers to misunderstand the very real difference. It doubles down on provocative and inflammatory descriptions of prohibited assumptions like

  • “one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex”
  • “an individual’s moral character is necessarily determined by his or her race or sex”
  • “an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex”

as if those types of offensive assumptions are typically found in workplace diversity or antiracism training – they’re not.

The initial OMB memo specifically calls out “critical race theory” (CRT) – an intellectual framework originally developed by Harvard legal scholars in the late 1970s/80s as “divisive, un-American propaganda.” In a recent TIME magazine article, CRT is defined by one of the theory’s founders Kimberlé Crenshaw as “an approach to grappling with a history of white supremacy that rejects the belief that what’s in the past is in the past, and that the laws and systems that grow from that past are detached from it.” The same article provides Loyola Law School professor Priscilla Ocen’s description of the importance of CRT. “Critical race theory ultimately is calling for a society that is egalitarian, a society that is just, and a society that is inclusive, and in order to get there, we have to name the barriers to achieving a society that is inclusive,” explains Ocen. Global Diversity and Inclusion Consultant Tanya Odom expresses concerns about the maligning of this theory among other instructive concepts. She insists, “I am deeply concerned that the language of “Critical Race Theory” has been used in a context that does not validate this important body of scholarship.”

Furthermore, this policy’s denial of white privilege and systemic racism encourage (if not require) government entities and those who support them to ignore the blatant truths of the country’s deeply racist history and instead pledge allegiance to revisionist, more “patriotic” historical interpretations. In a very “All lives matter” type of way, the Order defensively reinforces the most blatantly obvious, incontrovertible statements (like “all individuals are created equal” and “all employees to receive fair and equitable treatment in all aspects of personnel management without regard to race or sex”) seemingly in opposition to the tenets of most diversity training – they’re not. Arguably, the EO/memo’s odd and awkward wording presents a warped view of diversity and antiracism concepts at best. Possibly most disturbing is the fact that instead of providing a data driven basis for its conclusions, the Executive Order seems to cherry pick pieces of highly subjective anecdotes with little context as justification for the need to highly restrict future diversity training.

At the heart of the EO seems to be an overwhelming interest in protecting white employees from experiencing any discomfort that might be engendered by said training, and diversity experts find this bias particularly objectionable. ”The administration’s concern that it could make white workers feel ‘discomfort’ or guilt, completely disregards the impact on workers of color who have spent their entire lives being discriminated against,” insists Michael Bach, author of Birds of All Feathers: Doing Diversity and Inclusion Right. “White workers need to understand their role in dismantling the systems of racism that continue to produce toxic and unsafe environments for their colleagues of color. White people have had it good for a few hundred years. They can handle a little discomfort if it means a more inclusive society.”

While responsible, effective diversity training doesn’t blame white attendees for historical racism (any more than an environmentalism expert would blame individuals today for generations of pollution), the truth is that just because something is uncomfortable doesn’t mean it’s not helpful or necessary. In fact, it’s oftentimes a sign that it’s just what is needed. Isn’t that the bedrock of maturity and growth – doing what we need to do even if it doesn’t feel good in the moment? Isn’t that why we take vaccines, exercise, participate in therapy, etc.?

Is diversity training perfect? Certainly not, but then neither is any training. One can always find some “expert” who advocates a more extreme ideology or provides irresponsible advice. Arguably, Dr. Scott Atlas’ questioning the efficacy of mask wearing to fight the Coronavirus pandemic would be one such example, but that didn’t trigger a wholesale, broad brush clamp down on Coronavirus prevention training. There will always be imperfect content or messengers, but it seems that for some reason diversity training is being held to a different standard.

Possibly most gut wrenching is the fact that while less than stellar outcomes may suggest that decades of diversity training have done little to create true workplace equity, for many Black and brown professionals, the existence and increasing prevalence of these events at least signaled an acknowledgement of a long-ignored problem. Unfortunately, this policy’s attempt to minimize and restrict diversity training sends just the opposite message to those marginalized communities. One Diversity and Inclusion consultant Karen Jenkins summed it up this way. “The ban sends a strong message to Black Americans and others with diverse backgrounds working in the federal government that they’re not valued for who they are.” Arguably, that message has been heard loud and clear and will most likely not be forgotten anytime soon.

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