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Putting The ‘Science’ Back Into Science Labs

Updated Nov 13, 2019, 05:08am EST
This article is more than 4 years old.

One might assume that a science lab is a place where critical thinking is encouraged and practiced. But one would be wrong.

“Traditionally, the way labs have been run is, students are given a procedure that they follow and conduct an experiment to observe a particular phenomenon,” explains Natasha Holmes, an assistant professor at Cornell University specializing in physics education. “But there’s not a lot of critical thinking there. Most of the decisions are laid out for the students.”

Holmes has plenty of proof to back up that claim. She’s part of an ongoing effort to change how science labs are taught—by shifting the focus from a paint-by-numbers, confirming-findings approach to equipping students with critical thinking skills.

Otherwise, sticking with the old-school routine practiced for decades results in students “who don’t think like scientists,” says Holmes. Plus, the skills students learn stick with them, not just for months but years afterwards. 

A native Canadian, Holmes uses a hockey analogy. Talented players aren’t just thrust into the NHL. “There’s a lot of scaffolding—drills, practices, scrimmages,” she says. “You pause, you debrief, give feedback, then do it again. So that’s what we do with our lab courses.”

The endeavor to reform science labs began in 2015, when Holmes, then conducting post-doctoral research at Stanford University, co-authored a study with her mentor, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Carl Wieman, titled “Teaching Critical Thinking.” 

The research showed that physics-lab students taught to make decisions “based on data, with feedback on those decisions” rather than follow a rote set of instructions, were 12 times more likely “to improve their experimental methods” than students not taught the skills.

“They were also four times more likely to identify and explain a limitation of a physical model using their data,” the study adds, and “showed much more sophisticated reasoning about their data.”

The Holmes-Wieman duo knew they were on to something and formed a team overseen by Holmes that’s been conducting studies on critical thinking and focused reasoning with fascinating results.

One study showed that students who took a traditional lab to accompany their science lessons fared no better on the final exam than those who did not. In other words, taking a by-the-numbers lab didn’t make any difference.

The team’s research also uncovered some positive news, and they’ve shown that labs that focus on true problem-solving do increase outcomes and do more to engage students. Students are “ happy to be able to try things out and design their own experiments,” Holmes says. “There’s been a lot of positive reaction.”

One institution practicing this new approach is Foothill College, a two-year school located in Los Altos Hills, California, not far from Stanford’s campus. Up until physics instructor David Marasco partnered with Holmes’ team, he didn’t fully engage students in true critical thinking. “I had tried to make students think hard about their answers and the quality of measurements, which was a step in that direction,” Marasco says. “But I wasn’t doing it explicitly.”

Initially, Holmes provided Marasco with a set of talking points which put the burden of discovery on the students. The “Teaching Critical Thinking” study describes the process this way: “Students were told to make two sets of measurements and compare them quantitatively. They were then prompted to devise a plan to improve the quality of their measurements, to discuss this plan with other groups, and to carry out the revised measurements and analysis.”

One of Marasco’s labs, a pendulum experiment, exemplifies the approach. It asks students, in the handout he distributes, to “evaluate whether the period of a pendulum depends on the angle of amplitude of the swing.” It also suggests ways to measure timing and amplitude but, more to the point, encourages students to continually re-evaluate what they’ve found.

“[W]rite a plan for improving the quality of your measurements,” it states. “Discuss your results and your plan with other groups. Feel free to modify your plan based on this discussion and keep track of your changes. …[I]nclude a short discussion about why you chose that method or made changes.” 

As painstaking as this multi-step process may seem, Marasco says, “It’s really shifted students’ attitudes towards labs. It used to be if someone finished after a couple hours, they’d leave. But everybody’s engaged and thinking about the problem and still there after three hours. A lot of them say, ‘If I had an extra 20 minutes, half an hour, that would be great.’”

“I find this approach much more stimulating and inviting,” says Dominic Al-Shamari practiced the new lab approach. Marasco, he says, “would give us a prompt and then guide us toward a general direction. But he would never explicitly say what he wanted us to find, or the methodology. We had to come up with the experimentation on our own.”

This approach has long-term positive effects. Students are not only more engaged; their lab notebooks show a deeper understanding of scientific methodology, and, after an initial training period each semester, most continue to employ critical thinking skills without prompts. Or take Al-Shamari, again. He’s left the community college and now studying engineering and physics at UC-Irvine.

“By the end of two semesters, you can really get them to a point where they’re operating and engaging in these behaviors on their own,” Holmes says. “And we follow them into a second-year course where we’re totally hands-off, with completely different instructors, and see lots of the same behaviors persisting.”

This contrasts with the non-reflective routine students fall into when relying solely on prescribed methods of experimentation in traditional labs. One of the most commonly used is the force diagram, in which students draw the various forces acting on an object as well as the force's direction and magnitude. One study, looking at roughly 900 introductory-physics college students, concluded that those prompted to draw force diagrams were less likely to arrive at a correct solution than those allowed to solve the problem any way they wished.   

The study suggests two reasons: “First, novice students may simply be more effective using intuitive, situational reasoning than using new formal methods. Second, prompting the construction of a force diagram may be misinterpreted by the student as a separate task, unrelated to solving the problem.”

The critical-thinking-informed lessons from Holmes and others are now being used to overhaul science labs in a handful of universities, including Cornell. Holmes believes there’s a hunger for such labs, among students and professors. “We’re seeing this not only in the institutions we work with, but those we’re in contact with. A list of 100 people from different institutions have expressed interest in what we’re doing, and almost every email starts with, ‘We’re overhauling our intro-lab sequence,’ which is really exciting.”

The research, she adds, is far from over. The deeper Holmes’ team digs, the more it “untangles,” she says. One recent study showed that students comfortable only with what’s known as the “model-verifying” approach to experimentation will manipulate data to adhere to that approach, even at the expense of tainting results.

Holmes says, “A surprising amount of students engaged in what we call questionable research practices in an attempt to confirm the equation they expected—everything from throwing out data points to adjusting the data a bit to making decisions that are in service of getting a specific outcome.”

In both Holmes’ and Marasco’s experience, however, most students jump at the chance to conduct more thoughtful experiments.

“A lot of my other labs were, ‘Follow the instructions. And if you screw up, the instructor will sort it out for you,’” says Al-Shamari. “These labs are much more build-it-yourself, and you come away from them having an understanding of what you didn’t know. That’s very important for later, because you’re given the chance to follow up and not give up.”